Every genealogist should know these five research strategies. Do you?
Every genealogist should know these five research strategies. Do you?
We've got FIVE universal strategies every genealogist needs to be familiar with. Check your knowledge and make sure you know these strategies. These are the basics to solve any genealogical conundrum. If you don't know them, that could be why you're stuck. If you do know them, and are using them, you probably need to get some specialized knowledge for your unique problem.
Knowing where your knowledge stands lets you focus on the right next step for YOU!
Anyone can start building their family tree, but it takes so much more to keep researching.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed—you’re not alone. Thousands of genealogists, new and experienced, know the struggle of hitting the proverbial brick wall.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Anyone can start building their family tree, but it takes so much more to keep researching.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed—you’re not alone. Thousands of genealogists, new and experienced, know the struggle of hitting the proverbial brick wall.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
I've been a genealogist since 1989 and a professional genealogist since 2005. I love teaching hobbyist genealogists how to bust their own brick walls.
These five brick wall strategies are the starting place for success if you want to keep building YOUR tree when you get stuck.
Use the strategies every genealogist needs to do to solve tough genealogy problems.
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